Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brewing With Wild Yeast

The still air
expected change
Light gets dark and start to move things,
fragments of cold and heat
steps down to
gangling gait,
where you can dive into the icy water.
- thrust oscillation,
dispersed siren
in the dark depths of the sea inside you -
crumbs fall to the raindrops,
to rinse away the day,
watered down but still alive.
is my body that I feel the fire,
me is that I can not understand.
cart and become a bittersweet feeling,
thrust into the unknown-
The stretched skin at the touch of the morning,
too slow, still far
crackle with the beams of my body ,
thirsty for life, treading
long gone - missing you,
unspoken, pervade the air
as before the thunder, the earthquake
And I flood the heart,
imprison the body.

is silence around
close my eyes at close of day, devoted to relax the body
-breakers are tired of an oar, too
the sand bar -
When the eyes you are wandering, hands
lips and the slow breathing of you to be lulled
in pleasure
that exploded inside me.


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