Monday, March 14, 2011

Lymphoma And Hyperthyroid

words I try to hide feelings;
to fill moments away ...
but the suburbs of the night
are excerpts of light on the way
where my mind runs
and walks away.
are bridges to the unreal,
to flee elsewhere
to breathe slowly,
not breathe for you ...

and dissolving
thoughts along the way, expect
vanish without leaving scars
let them roll up on my back
- your hands warm
on me - I

any time to clear everything away,
to forget all
- forget you -
fancy clothes to wear
to fool the mind ...
but the suburbs of the night
are hallucinations of the heart,
false doors
which I hold close
not to listen in,
not find you ...
- yet
mistaken and we touch
we are,
breathe the night with difficulty breathing,
together at close of day,
in this moment that seems eternal
and gradually
breath I take away light
sleep ...


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